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Scienza & Ricerca | Animali
Obiettivo sostenibilità: 13 - Lotta contro il cambiamento climatico 14 - La vita sott'acqua 15 - La vita sulla terra
Obiettivo raggiunto!
18.490 raccolti su € 6.000 308 % obiettivo raggiunto 131 sostenitori 26/02/2024 progetto concluso

Have you seen these fascinating animals? WARNING!!! In a few years, all this is destined to be just a memory because the African Penguin is functionally extinct by 2035. Let's change course together! Help us develop a passive acoustic monitoring system for this species!

Despite the African penguin being one of South Africa's most iconic species, of the estimated 1.5 million individuals in 1910, only around 10% remained by the end of the 20th century. The global population has decreased by 98% since the pre-industrial era.

Photo credit: Thomas P. Peschak - Back in Time. A historical photograph of the African penguin colony in the late 1890s, compared to the current situation on Halifax Island, Namibia. The colony once housed over 100,000 penguins.

These numbers have rendered the African penguin a critically endangered species. The primary causes are declining fish stocks, coastal degradation, oil spills, human alterations to natural habitats, and climate change. These combined factors, by reducing and shifting fish shoals, make it difficult for penguins to find food near the coasts, forcing them to swim increasingly greater distances to feed.

Photo credit: BirdLife

African penguins are much smaller than most people think! They don't exceed 60-70 cm in height and 4 kg in weight. They are social and monogamous animals, reproducing once a year at around 4-6 years old in numerous colonies where recognition of partners and chicks occurs through a complex mechanism of visual and vocal communication. To attract their partner (whom they won't change for their whole lives!) and defend the territory from neighboring nests, they emit calls similar to the braying of a donkey, hence being called "Jackass Penguins". 

They spend most of their time at sea feeding, using the land only for mating, nesting, and molting. To avoid overheating, these penguins are mainly active at dawn and dusk. 

However, their survival is at risk, and we need your help to undertake the journey that will take us to the Stony Point Nature Reserve in South Africa to protect the colony of about 2000 pairs of African penguins that inhabit it. This colony alone hosts almost 10% of all surviving African penguins! There's no time to waste!

Photo credit: Francesca Terranova. African penguin colony in Stony Point Nature Reserve.

Who are we? 

We are Livio, Francesca, and Anna from the Marine Biology Laboratory of the Department of Life Sciences and Systems Biology (DBIOS) at the University of Turin. For over 15 years, we have been studying the African penguins of the Stony Point colony in the Betty's Bay region near Cape Town, South Africa. Every year, we and numerous UniTO students visit Stony Point to monitor the colony and collect vital data. This information helps us unveil the complex communication mechanisms these penguins use to manage social relationships within their crowded colonies. Imagine these colonies as true metropolises for penguins, where recognizing each other and defending their territory is fundamental for the survival of every pair. Thanks to these studies, we have discovered many interesting things about their vocal behavior, but most importantly, we've understood how delicate the balance is for their survival!

What is our goal? 

Have you ever dreamed of venturing among African penguin colonies? Of listening to their communications, witnessing their amusing social interactions? These adorable marine birds are truly special, but unfortunately, human presence represents one of the main threats to their colonies. Our goal is to monitor African penguin populations at Stony Point, intervening as minimally as possible in their lives, allowing them to thrive in peace. To achieve this goal, we have implemented a sophisticated passive acoustic monitoring system. These tools allow us to listen to and record the vocal behavior of penguins without interfering with their daily lives. We can study their vocalizations, monitor the breeding patterns, and assess the population's health, all without causing them any disturbance. 

But here's the issue: these technologies are expensive. To keep the acoustic monitoring systems active and continue protecting African penguins, we need your help! Their survival is at stake, and every small contribution makes a difference!


This campaign is an "all or nothing" type: only if we reach the required budget will the campaign succeed, and we'll be able to purchase the equipment necessary to save the penguins! 

With your help, we can acquire:

  • 1 Canon XA65 (EUR 2200.00/unit): a video camera with night vision capability. Penguins vocalize even in the dark hours, and we need a video camera that allows us to record during these hours to identify the individuals vocalizing! 
  • 10 Song meter micro2 (EUR 280.00/unit): enabling us to record the sounds emitted by African penguins every day and... every night! 
  • 5 GPS devices (EUR 200.00/unit): essential for tracking the locations within the colony where we'll be recording with our devices.

Moreover, if we reach the required budget, the University of Turin will double the funding!

With these additional funds, we can: 

  • fund the salary of a local ranger (EUR 4500.00/year - part-time). Their work is essential to keep the monitoring systems active and protect the colony! 
  • purchase 2 FUJINON 7x50 marine binoculars (EUR 750.00/unit) with illuminated compass and graduated reticle to follow the penguins in the colony even at long distances.

Our Group:

Livio is a Zoology and Marine Biology lecturer at the University of Turin and a Research Fellow at the Anton Dohrn Zoological Station in Naples. He focuses on studying and conserving marine birds and mammals through non-invasive acoustic monitoring techniques. His coordinated research projects mainly concentrate in marine protected areas of the Indian Ocean, including South Africa and the Comoros Islands. Nationally, he collaborates with major zoos and aquariums dedicated to conserving endangered marine species. When not in the lecture hall or recording animals... you might still find him on some soccer field in the suburbs! The penguin loses "feathers"... but not the habit! 

Francesca, a bioacoustician and ethologist, studies animal sounds (bioacoustics) and their behavior (ethology). She began her research journey studying sounds emitted by dolphins. For the past two years, she has delved into the magical world of African penguins. Her doctoral project focuses on understanding how to utilize the sounds emitted by these small birds in tuxedos to develop passive acoustic monitoring systems and aid in species conservation! Apart from this, she is passionate about music, puzzles, and snorkeling! 

Anna, a research technician, specializes in bioacoustics and animal behavior. After studying primates in Madagascar and Ethiopia, she discovered the extraordinary uniqueness of African penguins, to which she is dedicating her current work. Anna is passionate about music and sounds, whether they come from communicating animals or human voices and musical instruments. In fact, when you don't find her in the office analyzing sounds, go look for her under the stage at a great music concert or festival; you'll find her there rejuvenating her mind.

Conosci il progettista:


Livio Favaro - African Penguin research UnitO

Siamo il team di ricercatori dell'Università di Torino che si occupa dello studio della Bioacustica - studio dei suoni prodotti dagli animali - in particolare dei Pinguini Africani

Contatta il progettista: African Penguin research UnitO




Photo & Baie Dankie (grazie tante in Afrikaans!)

Ti invieremo sulla tua casella di posta una stampa fotografica unica ad alta risoluzione dei pinguini a Stony Point!

ENGLISH VERSION! We will send you a unique high-resolution photographic print of the penguins at Stony Point to your email inbox!




Certificato di Guardiano dei Pinguini || Certificate of Penguin Guardian

Inviaci una tua fotografia e creeremo il tuo certificato personalizzato di Guardiano dei Pinguini di Stony Point!

ENGLISH VERSION! Send us a photo of yourself, and we will create your personalized Certificate of Penguin Guardian of Stony Point!




Pingualendario: Pinguini a Stony Point Tutto l'Anno! || Penguin Calendar: Penguins at Stony Point All Year Round!

Vorresti avere i pinguini africani come compagni di avventure per tutto il 2024? con questa donazione ti invieremo un calendario digitale 2024 da stampare o tenere sul computer con immagini della colonia di pinguini mese per mese!

ENGLISH VERSION! Would you like to have African penguins as adventure companions throughout 2024? With this donation, we will send you a digital 2024 calendar to print or keep on your computer, featuring monthly images of the penguin colony!




Pinguino in tasca: Il portachiavi Pinguino || Penguin in Your Pocket: The Penguin Keychain

Riceverai un portachiavi a forma di pinguino. Portalo sempre con te come simbolo di protezione! Inoltre, oltre al nostro ringraziamento via email con una cartolina personalizzata, riceverai i ringraziamenti ufficiali dei pinguini di Stony Point sui canali social.

ENGLISH VERSION! You will receive a penguin-shaped keychain. Carry it with you always as a symbol of protection! Additionally, along with our gratitude via email and a personalized postcard, you will receive official thanks from the penguins of Stony Point on our social media channels.




Dai il nome a un pinguino di Stony Point! || Give a name to a penguin from Stony Point!

Con questa donazione potrai dare il nome ad uno dei pinguini della colonia di Stony Point! Ti invieremo una sua fotografia e aggiornamenti sulla vita nella colonia.

ENGLISH VERSION! With this donation, you can name one of the penguins in the Stony Point colony! We will send you a photograph of your named penguin along with updates on life in the colony.





Riceverai una t-shirt con la stampa di un pinguino (il regalo perfetto per Natale se non ci hai ancora pensato!) e potrai assistere (online o in loco se ti trovi in Sudafrica) ad un evento di rilascio in natura di un pinguino proveniente dal centro di recupero SANCOOB.

ENGLISH VERSION! You will receive a t-shirt with a penguin print (the perfect Christmas gift if you haven't thought of one yet!) and you can attend (online or in person if you're in South Africa) a release event of a penguin from the SANCOOB rehabilitation center.




Adotta un pinguino in difficoltà! || Adopt a penguin in need!

Adotterai a distanza un pinguino residente al centro di recupero SANCOOB per un anno. Potrai dargli un nome e noi ti invieremo un certificato personalizzato di adozione a distanza. Inoltre ti forniremo aggiornamenti sul suo stato di salute!

ENGLISH VERSION! You will virtually adopt a penguin residing at the SANCOOB rehabilitation center for one year. You can give it a name, and we will send you a personalized certificate of virtual adoption. Additionally, we will provide you with updates on its health status!




Pinguino e conservazione della biodiversità: parliamone insieme! || Penguin and Biodiversity Conservation: Let's Discuss Together!

Ci metteremo a disposizione per organizzare un evento speciale in cui parleremo di etologia e conservazione per una scuola o un’associazione da te selezionata (in presenza o telematicamente)!

ENGLISH VERSION! We will be available to organize a special event where we will discuss ethology and conservation for a school or association of your choice (either in person or virtually)!




Giornata al parco con un ricercatore || A Day at the Park with a Researcher

Vorresti conoscere di persona i pinguini ma non hai in programma di andare in Sudafrica? Ti accompagneremo a conoscerli presso uno dei parchi zoologici italiani che li ospita:
- Zoom
- Zoomarine
- Pistoia
(biglietto di ingresso per due persone incluso).

ENGLISH VERSION! Would you like to meet penguins in person but don't plan to go to South Africa? We will take you to meet them at one of the Italian zoos that houses them: Zoom, Zoomarine, or Pistoia (admission tickets for two included).




Sponsor della Conservazione || Conservation Sponsorship

Diventa sponsor della conservazione! La tua fotografia o il logo della tua azienda verranno inclusi in tutte le nostre presentazioni a congressi nazionali ed internazionali in qualità di sponsor ufficiale del progetto!

ENGLISH VERSION! Become a Conservation Sponsor! Your photograph or your company's logo will be included in all our presentations at national and international conferences as the official sponsor of the project!



Donazione d’Eccellenza: il Tuo Nome nella Scienza || Excellence Donation: Your Name in Science

Ti ricompenseremo includendo il tuo nome o quello della tua azienda tra i finanziatori ufficiali in almeno 2 pubblicazioni su riviste scientifiche internazionali!

ENGLISH VERSION! We will reward you by including your name or your company's name among the official sponsors in at least 2 publications in international scientific journals!



Pensaci tu! || Up to you!

Sostieni la campagna inviando una donazione ad offerta libera a partire da 5€. Riceverai una ricompensa in base all'importo della tua donazione!

ENGLISH VERSION! Support the campaign by making a donation of your choice, starting from €5. You will receive a reward based on the amount of your donation!