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27.165 raccolti su € 6.000 453 % obiettivo raggiunto 219 sostenitori 15/01/2022 progetto concluso

Have you ever heard about the singing lemur? The indri (Indri indri) is the only lemur that communicates with songs, resonating in Madagascar’s forest. This primate is critically endangered and does not survive in captivity: if we want to save it we must protect it in its natural habitat.
We are ethologists and primatologists from the University of Turin, and we need your help to study, monitor, and protect indris’ wild populations to save them from extinction.
Wondering how you can help? Support our work by aiding us in training and equipping our rangers, that use songs to find, study and monitor indri’s family groups in the Maromizaha rainforest.

Have you heard how nice their songs are? This could quickly become only a memory, as indris’ survival is highly threatened!  

Lemurs are one of Madagascar’s symbols. There are more than 100 different species, living uniquely in Malagasy forests. Almost all lemurs’ species are endangered: one of the biggest threats to their survival is deforestation for timber and charcoal production, but habitat loss is also caused by the slash-and-burn traditional agriculture, which impoverishes the soil to the point that nothing will grow on it after few years. 

To protect the lemurs, we have to protect the forests too. Madagascar’s rainforests, in fact, are essential to the survival of a multitude of species that lives only on this special island. Sadly, these forests are also a very fragile habitat: only 12% of the original forest cover has remained.  

In one of the last remaining forest patches, there is the Dragon Tree Forest of Maromizaha which is our aim to protect! This rainforest is, undoubtedly, one of the most fascinating places on the entire island. It has an extension of 2.150 hectares, of which 725 are still intact and have never been affected by human activity. Nevertheless, deforestation is very high in the surrounding areas and where once there was a beautiful, pristine forest, now there are only dry and empty fields and barren hills.  

Indris are adapted for living on the trees and, therefore, they need the forest to survive! And we, instead, need your help to start a new adventure that will bring us, our students, and our rangers out of Maromizaha’s borders to search, find and protect indris and other endangered lemurs. 

What are we planning to do with your help? 

For 15 years we have studied the singing lemurs in Madagascar’s rainforests to protect this tremendous biodiversity treasure. Each year, our students spend several months in Maromizaha to collect data that are essential to discovering the link between us and these amazing primates, as their melodic and rhythmic songs that are very similar to our own music! Thanks to these studies we are beginning to understand how much specials these lemurs are, but more importantly, we have understood how uncertain is indris’ survival. 

In fact, it is unknown how many indris are left in the remaining forest patches and specific surveys have never been carried out. However, this number is very important to plan an effective conservation strategy. With your help, we can contribute to the first indri’s population survey to understand how many individuals remain in the wild, both in the protected part of the forest and also in the unprotected zones. We want to understand where they live and how are they using the forest resources to survive. 

Help us to save the singing lemur!  

Thanks to your support, we will be able to buy the necessary tools to equip 5 rangers to find and conduct a census of the lemurs.  

25 camera-traps (130,00 EUR/each): they are devices for wild animals’ automatic detection. They can record and photograph the animals without disturbing them, thanks to an infrared sensor. They are very useful to find and study indris that are not habituated to the researchers’ presence.  

5 GPS (200,00 EUR/each): these devices are used to record an animals’ spatial coordinates so that the rangers will know where to find indris’ group or specific individuals in the dense forest.   

5 Recorders (150,00 EUR/each): with these, we can record the indris’ songs and create a database to collect all the songs given by all individuals, so that we can recognize them individually. In fact, each indri has a peculiar way of singing, as an acoustic fingerprint!  

5 cameras (200,00 EUR/each): The rangers will use the camera to record videos of indris’ activities and identify each animal individually based on natural marks, such as the specific pattern in the fur color. 

If we will reach our budget goal, the University of Turin will double it!!  

With this additional funding, we will: 

  • Install a device to monitor the conservation status of the forest (HOBO Station; Budget: 3800,00 EUR); 
  • Involve local people in the forest protection activities (Budget: 1200,00 EUR); 
  • Involve our students in raising awareness in the general public (both Madagascar and Italy) about the importance of nature and biodiversity conservation, as a means to fight the biodiversity loss and climate change that all the world is experiencing.  

Who are we?  

We are researchers of the Ethology Lab of the Department of Life Science and Systems Biology (DBIOS) at the University of Turin. We started studying indris in the Madagascar rainforests 15 years ago, and in 2009 we built a research field station in the Maromizaha forest.  

Cristina met the charm of the signals emitted by the emerald toad in a backdunal pond in Calabria, and since then she has been describing the diversity of forms and functions in animal acoustic communication in search for the intrinsic, but not exclusive, mechanisms of human language. This has led her to record sounds of many terrestrial and aquatic species, through Asia and Africa, up to meeting the singing lemur. The astonishment she felt led her to promote the creation of a Multipurpose Research Center in Maromizaha. The presence of the center has allowed the launch of a long-term study, as well as many actions for the conservation of biodiversity and sustainable development in collaboration with numerous partners. Cristina coordinates the Italy-Madagascar International Doctorate in Sustainable Development and Cooperation.  

Marco has been a volleyball player for more than half his life and is still a heavy metal fan and a pizza lover. He discovered his love for Bioacoustics and Primates while working for a record label... Marco is Associate Professor of Zoology at the University of Turin, where he teaches "Invertebrate Zoology" for the bachelor degree "Natural Sciences", and "Techniques and Methods of Ethology" and "Evolution of Behaviour" in the Master's Degree "Evolution of Animal and Human Behaviour", of which he is also President. He was Visiting Professor at the Universities of Mahajanga, Antananarivo, Comoros and St. Andrews  

Valeria is a research technician dealing with bioacoustics, animal behavior and biodiversity conservation. She has seen the very early stages of the Maromizaha project, and since then, every year, she has spent every year a period in the forest to record and monitor the population of indris and other lemurs. She knows all the singing lemurs by name and has contributed to the training of many undergraduate and PhD students who have passed through Maromizaha. The Research Center is her second home and the rangers are her second family. For this reason she hopes to be able to have many camera traps available shortly to always have an eye open to spy on the forest and its animals, even when she is in Turin.  

Chiara is a Post-Doc researcher. She obtained her PhD abound indris’ song rhythm at the University of Turin. Born and raised in Emilia region, she has been adopted by Piedmont, but she has Abruzzo in her heart. Between 2015 and 2019 she has spent in total an entire year in the Maromizaha forest studying lemurs. Literature lover, she collects bookmarks and still love to send postcards when she travels. One of her dreams is that, one day, all the postcards she has sent from Madagascar finally reach their destination.   

Teresa is a PhD student in Biological Sciences and Applied Biotechnologies at the University of Turin. She was born in Turin, she ran away, for the benefit of a life in the mountains, and then she returned to Turin to study natural sciences. Her natural habitat consists of an armchair, blanket, cat and Mac, alternating with walks in the forest at varying altitudes and latitudes. She is passionate about sounds, whether they come from animals that communicate (with a predilection for birds and primates) or from an inexhaustible streaming of music, a trusted companion for working hours and not, and a nourishment for the mind.  

Filippo is a PhD student in Biological Sciences and Applied Biotechnologies at the University of Turin. From an early age he was bewitched by the animal world and by the multiplicity of forms and strategies shaped by evolution, with a particular predilection for reptiles, amphibians and primates. Since 10 years he has been a nature photographer, a passion that leads him to hike in the mountains, immerse himself in the seas and get muddy in swamps and tropical forests, as well as earning some parasites and, occasionally, awards in national and international photographic competitions. You can find him, when not in the laboratory or in nature, in some bars in Turin, probably rambling on vipers or “Rick and Morty”.

Conosci il progettista:

Etolab - Laboratorio di Etologia e Bioacustica




Illustriamo #indri

L’amore per il lemure cantante illustrato dal nostro amico Andrea Antinori! Una stampa a tiratura limitata dell’indri che canta verrà spedita direttamente a casa tua! Non lasciartela scappare (tiratura limitata, 30 copie)! [Illustrazione di Andrea Antinori, autore del libro "Sulla vita dei lemuri - Corraini Edizioni]


Disponibilità: 10



Illustriamo #lemure

Perché proteggere indri vuol dire proteggere tutti i lemuri della foresta! Un’altra meravigliosa illustrazione dal nostro amico Andrea Antinori! Una stampa a tiratura limitata del lemure più piccolo del Madagascar su un gigantesco jackfruit verrà spedita direttamente a casa tua! Non lasciartela scappare (tiratura limitata, 30 copie)! [Illustrazione di Andrea Antinori, autore del libro "Sulla vita dei lemuri - Corraini Edizioni]


Disponibilità: 21




Anche i ricercatori ogni tanto si rilassano! Vogliamo approfittare dell’occasione di un aperitivo in centro a Torino per incontrarci, scambiare qualche idea e raccontarti gli aneddoti e i dietro le quinte del progetto. Organizzeremo (data da definire insieme) un momento di incontro davanti ad un buon bicchiere di vino o a un bicerin Torinese!




Misaotra (Grazie)

Ti ringrazieremo direttamente attraverso una cartolina elettronica personalizzata sulla tua casella email.





Oltre al nostro ringraziamento riceverai via mail un bellissimo calendario 2022 da stampare o tenere sul tuo computer. In questo modo ogni mese sarai accompagnato da una fotografia della foresta di Maromizaha e dei suoi animali rari.





Riceverai un ringraziamento ufficiale insieme ad una calamita prodotta in Madagascar con materiali di recupero. Tutte le calamite raffigurano degli animali tipici del Madagascar.


Disponibilità: 223



Adotta un albero dragone!

Sei il solito ritardatario? Ti mancano ancora gli ultimi regali di Natale ma hai esaurito le idee? Ti aiutiamo noi! Ricevi per posta (tu o una persona da te indicata) una bella dracena e un certificato di adozione di un albero dragone di Maromizaha! Ma non è finita qui! Grazie alla donazione avrai contribuito a salvare un pezzettino di foresta! Per ringraziarti, ti manderemo una foto del tuo albero, così lo terrai d’occhio nel tempo! Dove lo trovi un regalo più originale di questo? Affrettati, sono in numero limitato!


Disponibilità: 3




In aggiunta ai ringraziamenti personalizzati ci metteremo a disposizione per organizzare un evento speciale per te o per una scuola selezionata da te, durante l'anno scolastico!




Partecipa ad un workshop di fotografia naturalistica di un giorno con il nostro Filippo, in cui conoscerai le tecniche di base della fotografia di natura, mentre ti svelerà tutti i segreti del fotografo naturalista. Così sarai pronto per venire in Madagascar a fotografare gli indri che avrai contribuito a salvare!

Disponibilità: 5



Adotta un indri

Ti invieremo una stampa fotografica in alta risoluzione di un indri di Maromizaha. Ti verrà fornita insieme ad un certificato ufficiale di adozione a distanza di un particolare indri. Ti invieremo aggiornamenti sulla vita del tuo animale insieme ad una newsletter annuale.




Sponsor Silver

Ti ricompenseremo con una giornata con i ricercatori presso il Parco ZOOM di Cumiana. I nostri ricercatori ti accompagneranno a ZOOM per una giornata di conoscenza e divertimento (biglietto di ingresso per due persone incluso!).



Sponsor Gold

Stai pianificando un viaggio in Madagascar? Ti offriamo il pernottamento (costi di vitto e alloggia per una notte) presso il Centro di Ricerca di Maromizaha e una giornata intera di vita da ricercatore! Vieni e mettiti alla prova!



Sponsor Gold Aziende

Il logo della tua azienda verrà valorizzato sulla facciata del Centro di Ricerca di Maromizaha in qualità di sponsor ufficiale del progetto. Se avrai voglia, potremo fare una breve video intervista insieme da mostrare sui canali social del progetto e della tua azienda.




Sponsor Platinum

Verrai ricompensato attraverso un ringraziamenti ufficiale in una pubblicazione scientifica e potrai scegliere i nomi degli individui di un intero gruppo di indri. Se avrai voglia, potremo fare una breve video intervista insieme da mostrare sui canali social del progetto.




Sponsor Platinum Azienda

Verrai ricompensato con una targa commemorativa in metallo al Centro di Ricerca di Maromizaha in qualità di sponsor ufficiale del progetto. Riceverai una targa gemella da appendere nella tua azienda! Inoltre, riceverai lo stato di adozione onorario di un intero gruppo di indri.



Libero come un indri!

Grazie per il tuo contributo! Ti invieremo un ringraziamento ufficiale e una sorpresa personalizzata!