“Once upon a time, in the hamlet of a small town, there was a small uninhabited peasant house. A theater director was passing by and he fell in love with it at first sight. The man met the elderly owner Fermina. Through her childhood memories, she carried him to an ancient world of humble people and small hidden treasures. A handshake and CASA DELLE STORIE was born: a place of meetings, storytelling, music and performances.”
A fairy tale? No, it's a true story. Or rather, a dream coming true! The book would address both kids and daydreaming adults, so that they could fall in love too with this place and its possibilities. Ester Castelnuovo, a talented illustrator, would do the drawings, while the theater director Stefano de Luca would take care of the text. We are just waiting for your support to make this dream a colorful reality!
The protagonist of our book is a small rural house in Albese con Cassano old town, near to the city of Como in northern Italy. One step away from the woods and facing a medieval tower, the building was once part of Marchesa Ida Parravicini of Persia’s estate. Later, it was given to a peasant working for the Marchesa and was inhabited until the 1970s. Each floor brings us to a different time, from late nineteenth century peasant life to the Italian postwar economic boom. Throughout the book, you would discover the house spaces - the stable-theater, the musical attic, grandma's kitchen - as well as the anecdotes that took place in there.
We need to collect 6000€ to print the first 400 book copies! Your contribution is crucial to achieving this goal. This is a TUTTO O NIENTE crowdfunding campaign. This means that if we do not reach the pre-fixed amount of money, your donations will automatically be returned to you. Would you like to join us in this storytelling adventure? Support our crowdfunding campaign!
How will we use the collected budget?
Money raised above the minimum budget will be used to fund the printing of additional copies. If you will help us financially support the publication of the book, we have come up with some great rewards to thank you.
Based in Albese con Cassano (CO), our association promotes culture and theater through artistic creation and training initiatives in our small but resourceful local community. We dream about a town rooted in its shared identity, able to virtuously connect past, present and future.
La nostra associazione culturale PTQ - Piccolo Teatro Quotidiano ETS ha sede ad Albese con Cassano (Co) e si occupa di promuovere la cultura e il teatro attraverso iniziative di creazione artistica e di formazione. La nostra progettualità si sviluppa nella realtà di una comunità di piccole dimensioni, ma molto densa di storie e ricchissima di risorse umane e di spazi da valorizzare. Sogniamo un paese di storie condivise, consapevole del suo passato e delle sue radici profonde nella cultura di questa terra, ma attivo nel presente e proiettato nel futuro.