Idea Ginger
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Viaggi | Ambiente
Obiettivo sostenibilità: 3 - Salute e benessere 7 - Energia pulita e accessibile 11 - Città e comunità sostenibili 13 - Lotta contro il cambiamento climatico 15 - La vita sulla terra
Obiettivo raggiunto!
5.252 raccolti su € 5.000 105 % obiettivo raggiunto 118 sostenitori 30/10/2022 progetto concluso

Hi! We are Elisa and Walter, hiking and nature enthusiasts. We have just walked 850 km across Sicily to promote Italy's rich natural and artistic heritage, popularise geology and raise awareness about environmental issues. 

Cammino Adagio means both “I walk slow” and “the slow path” because in a busy world we’d like to slow down and get to know each place, studying sources and listening to locals. Now we need your help to cover the next stretch of our journey, the first half (500 km) of the second project chapter: from Puglia to Tuscany.

With your support you can help us to inspire people of all ages with a feeling of wonder and shared responsibility towards the environment and their region. Choose the reward you like best: you can see your name printed in our book or even walk a bit of road with us. Without your help, we are likely to stop here. So, what are you waiting for? Support us and take part of the discovery of the Italian heartland on foot!

Traveling the world on foot to slow down, get to know our planet better and share with others everything we learn from the places we cross.

Does it sound downright silly? Or incredibly cool?

Besides walking, we take time to meet local people and organisations to understand problems and current events of each specific area. Step by step we retrace the natural and artistic heritage of Italy to document everything local and authentic.

We also translate every article in English and nearly all videos come with subtitles. Click on the icons next to the cover video above to check out our website and social media profiles by clicking the icons .

In Sicily we walked for six months, from October 2021 to April 2022, shared stories in real time for 200+ days through social media and published 80+ high-quality video interview and photo articles.

Public response has been incredible. The greatest emotion was to receive a lot of people's gratitude and see that our work conveyed a message of trust towards others as well as appreciation for well-told narrative.

So we’re thrilled to keep on walking and we’re getting ready for a new chapter: from Puglia to Tuscany, to be covered from April 2023 onwards.

For this new part there will be some additional improvements: we are going to plan outreach events in schools and public spaces, populate a YouTube channel, prepare a podcast series, increase the frequency of publication on the official website, in which there will be commentable articles for those who do not use social media.


The first goal is to raise 5000 euros to cover the cost of food and accommodation during the first half (500 km) of the "Puglia-Tuscany” expedition, that will start in April 2023. This first stretch will take us from Santa Maria di Leuca (Puglia region) to  Isernia (Molise), touching parts of Basilicata (Matera, Melfi) and Campania (Irpinia).

For about three months we'll need to stay overnight in B&B's and other accommodation facilities.

We thought to bring a tent with us, but we need to charge electronic equipment — drone, computer, telephones — and work a few hours on writing and video footage from a quiet place to ensure a constant stream of published contents.

We’ll buy food preferentially from supermarkets. We’ll stick to cooking when we can, and when we can’t we’ll eat something simple from bakeries or the like.

If we reach the € 5000 goal early on, we'll move to gradually higher targets to cover the costs of outreach events and photographic gear.

We plan to donate 5% of the proceeds to effective organizations that are committed to improve farmed animal conditions because we would love, in our turn, to give something back by donating to causes we take at heart.


  • Share stories of people and landscapes in the form of photo-articles and video-interviews, published through the blog, social networks and media partners;
  • Study all sources that describe a given region (science, literature and journalism);
  • Listen to local people to narrate their point of view and their problems;
  • Organize outreach events to awaken appreciation and shared responsibility for environmental issues.



For many reasons, here are four: 

  • To take advantage of our exclusive launch offers (the book “In Sicily” is a limited edition and we cannot guarantee that there will be future re-prints);
  • To experience in advance the start of this ambitious project;
  • To help us change the world a little bit for the better;
  • Because you like us :-)


Provinces crossed: Lecce, Taranto, Matera, Bari, Potenza, Foggia, Avellino, Benevento, Isernia.


We are a couple who met in Rome in 2021. In just a few months we found out we have many things in common and decided to embark on this journey together. While walking, we have developed both the project and the bond between us.

Walter has worked for several years as a researcher-geologist in Dutch and British universities. Always passionate about travelling on foot and storytelling, he's decided to combine the costants of his life in this exciting venture.

Elisa is an actress, passionate about botany and trekking. Thanks to her acting studies she has developed a listening habit towards nature and the human soul. She fell in love with the project right from the start and enriched it with her vision and skills.


  • 10€ reward: included in any chosen reward, unless you choose anonymous donation.
  • 13€ reward: ebook in ePub and PDF.
  • 25, 30, 40€ reward: the paper book contains also maps and pictures that narrate our journey across Sicily. It will be a pocket edition, close or equal to A5 size, and will be shipped by March 2023.
  • 100€ Check out the itinerary above and see if we cross any area you can reach easily. Any accommodation or travel costs are not included but we can help you to simplify organization and logistics. We will provide packed lunch. What are we going to do in this exciting day together? 
    • Discover the landscape from many points of view: geological, historical, human;
    • Talk to locals and go "hunting" for life stories; 
    • Eat typical products; 
    • Get to know eachother; 
    • Get in touch with the wonders of the world around us.

We thank Nathan Marshall for his insightful comments and edits that helped us improving earlier drafts of the English version.

Conosci il progettista:

logo adagio sfondo scuro cropped

Walter Capella - Cammino Adagio

Siamo dei volontari che amano i cammini e la natura e vogliono percorrere a piedi l’Italia lungo strade secondarie e sentieri (un totale di 3000 km circa) con gli obiettivi di studiare e raccontare il paesaggio antropologico e geografico; sensibilizzare la popolazione, attraverso interventi nelle scuole, sulle tematiche ambientali e il rapporto uomo-natura.

Contatta il progettista: Cammino Adagio




Grazie sui social e il tuo nome sul donor wall
| A public thank you and your name on the donor wall

Il donor wall è una nuova sezione di nata per ringraziare pubblicamente chi sostiene il progetto.
Il tuo nome apparirà qui a partire da ottobre 2022 e ci rimarrà per sempre.

| The donor wall is a new section of created to thank the project supporters.
Your name will appear here by October 2022 and stay there forever.




Ebook di “In Sicilia” con il tuo nome tra i ringraziamenti
| Ebook “In Sicily” (English version) with your name in the acknowledgements

Un diario scritto e fotografico del primo capitolo di Cammino Adagio che ti porterà alla scoperta della Sicilia con un punto di vista intimo e profondo e bellissime foto a colori.
Perfetto per chi ama la Sicilia, per chi sogna di scoprire il mondo a piedi, per chi cerca di vedere la terra con occhi nuovi. Lo riceverai per e-mail entro marzo 2023.

| A written and photographic diary of the first chapter of Cammino Adagio that will take you to discover Sicily with an intimate look and stunning color photographs. More than just a translation, we re-write the book in English.
Perfect for those who love Sicily, who dream of discovering the world on foot or see the Earth with new eyes. You will receive it by email by March 2023.




Adotta un albero o una coppia di cicogne in un’area protetta in Sicilia
| Adopt a tree or a pair of storks in a bird sanctuary in Sicily

Aiutaci a sostenere un territorio fragile che abbiamo attraversato!
L’area si chiama Geloi Wetland e si trova nella Piana di Gela. È gestita da giovani che lottano contro gli incendi, la desertificazione, il bracconaggio. Riceverai un certificato d’adozione in PDF e, nel caso dell’albero, potrai scegliere la tua pianta preferita da un'ampia lista di specie mediterranee.

| Help us support a fragile ecosystem in an area we crossed!
It's called Geloi Wetland and lies in the vast Gela Plain, 100 km SW of Catania. It's run by young volunteers fighting against fires, desertification, and poaching. You’ll receive a certificate of adoption in PDF. If you go for the tree you can choose your favourite plant from a wide list of Mediterranean plants.




Libro cartaceo con nome tra i ringraziamenti e dedica scritta a mano SPEDIZ. ITALIA
| Hardcopy with name in the acknowledgements and handwritten dedication SHIPPING TO ITALY

Il diario scritto e fotografico del primo capitolo di Cammino Adagio che ti porterà alla scoperta della Sicilia a piedi con mappe e bellissime foto a colori.
Probabilmente non verrà ristampato, quindi è un’occasione unica per averlo a questo prezzo!
Lo riceverai entro marzo 2023. Ricordati di specificare un indirizzo di consegna.
Spedizione inclusa solo per l’Italia. Vivi all'estero? Nessun problema, scegli la ricompensa da 35€.

| Written and photographic diary of the first chapter of Cammino Adagio that will take you to discover Sicily on foot, with an intimate look. With maps and stunning color photographs.
Probably won't be reprinted, so this may be a once-in-a-lifetime chance to get it at this price!
You will receive it by March/April 2023.
Shipping included only in Italy. Please enter delivery address. You live outside Italy? No problem, just choose the 35€ reward and we'll deliver worldwide.




Libro cartaceo con nome tra i ringraziamenti e dedica scritta a mano SPEDIZ. ESTERO
| Hardcopy with name in the acknowledgements and handwritten dedication SHIPPING WORLDWIDE

Ricevi il libro del viaggio in Sicilia anche fuori dall'Italia, spediamo ovunque nel mondo. Spedizione per l'estero inclusa. Ricordati di specificare l'indirizzo di consegna.

| Receive the book about our trip to Sicily anywhere in the world. Worldwide shipping included. Please enter delivery address.




Abbonamento reporter + ebook omaggio
| Reporter subscription + free ebook

Abbonati a un percorso uditivo. Mentre noi esploriamo l'Italia, tu riceverai per whatsapp o mail due audio a settimana durante i 3 mesi di cammino. Un viaggio sonoro tra borghi antichi e parchi naturali, incontri e sensazioni a caldo.
Pensato per offrire qualcosa di più personale a chi ci segue da vicino e vuole sentirsi partecipe; per chi ama la forma più antica del racconto: quella parlata.

| Subscribe to an auditory journey! While we explore the italian heartland, you'll receive two audio files a week (in Italian or English) in your whatsapp chat or email inbox during the walking months. A sound path across medieval villages and natural reserves, encounters and on-the-spot sensations.
Something more personal for those who follow us closely and want to feel involved, but also for those who love the oldest form of storytelling: the oral tale.




2 Libri cartacei + 1 ebook
| 2 hard-copies +1 ebook SHIPPING TO ITALY

Ti piace avere una copia in più, magari per fare un regalo a chi ama camminare?
Se il tuo indirizzo di consegna è in Italia, ricevi due copie cartacee e un ebook e ottieni uno sconto del 35%.

| Fancy a spare copy? Perhaps to give as a present? If your delivery address is in Italy, get two hardcopies and one ebook and obtain a 35% discount.




Combo Reporter + Libro cartaceo + ebook SPEDIZ. OVUNQUE
| Combo Reporter + Hardcopy + ebook SHIPPING ANYWHERE

Per chi vuole seguire da vicino sia il futuro che il passato di Cammino Adagio abbiamo pensato di proporre un'offerta speciale: per soli 49 euro otterrete sia l'abbonamento reporter (normalmente 36€) sia il libro cartaceo spedito ovunque (25€ se in Italia, 35€ se all'estero).
Ebook omaggio incluso.

| For those who want to follow closely both future and past walks of Cammino Adagio we came up with a special offer: for just 49 euros you'll obtain Reporter Subscription (normally at 36 €) and paper version of "In Sicily" deliver anywhere (normally at 25€ in Italy and 35€ abroad). Free ebook included.




Supporto personalizzato + ebook omaggio
| One-to-one support + free ebook

Ti aiutiamo a preparare il tuo cammino in Italia o all'estero!
Saremo a tua disposizione durante 5 videochiamate e/o telefonate da 30 minuti.
In una prima chiamata gratuita ci spieghi cosa vorresti fare, poi saremo al tuo fianco in varie fasi dell'organizzazione. Cureremo aspetti tecnici e geografici per farti vivere un'esperienza più autentica del territorio.
Parliamo inglese, francese, spagnolo e all'occorrenza possiamo chiamare al posto tuo dove non si parla italiano.

| We help you organise your walking trip to Italy or elsewhere! We provide our support during five 30 min-long video- or phone-calls.
During a first free call you explain us what you'd like to do. Then we take care of the technical/geographical aspects of your trip to direct you towards a more authentic regional experience.
Besides Italian, we speak English, Spanish, French and we can support you in countries where those languages are spoken.




Giorno di cammino con noi per 2 persone + ebook omaggio
| One day walking with us for 2 people + free ebook

Un’occasione unica per camminare con noi ed entrare nel cuore pulsante di Cammino Adagio.
Viviamo un giorno insieme in una data a tua scelta, tra Aprile e Luglio 2023, e nel luogo che preferisci lungo il nostro tracciato, da concordare in base alla tabella di marcia che ti forniremo.
Pensata per chi vuole rallentare, riconnettersi con la natura, riscoprire le cose semplici. Per dettagli leggi le note aggiuntive in fondo alla sezione PROGETTO.

| This reward is a unique opportunity to walk with us and enter the heart of the Adagio Walk project.
We meet at time of your choice between April and July 2023, in a place of your choice along our path, according to our walking schedule.
Designed for those who want to slow down, reconnect with nature, find beauty in simplicity.
For further details, please read the notes at the bottom of the NEWS section.


Disponibilità: 15



Diventa Sponsor ufficiale
| Become official sponsor

Hai un’azienda che si occupa di prodotti locali o artigianato? Mantieni viva una tradizione? Il tuo lavoro rappresenta la tua terra?
Allora questa ricompensa è per te!
Cosa possiamo fare?
— Conoscerti a fondo per trasmettere al nostro pubblico la tua arte;
— Illustrare la tua storia agli eventi e nella sezione “sponsor” del sito e del profilo Instagram;
— Applicare sui nostri vestiti il nome/logo della tua azienda.
Immagina il tuo brand portato a spasso lungo l'Italia!

| Do you have a business that makes artisanal or local products? Do you keep traditions alive? Your work embodies the regional spirit?
Then this reward is meant for you!
What can we do for you?
— Convey the right message about your art to our audience;
— Illustrate your story at live events and in the " sponsor " section of our website and IG profile;
— Put your company name / logo on our clothes.
Imagine seeing your brand being carried around Italy!



Donazione Libera
| Free donation

Non c'è tanto o poco. Ogni contributo è importante per fare un passo avanti in questo lungo viaggio e lo prenderemo come un dono prezioso. Grazie!

| There's no such thing as much or little. Every contribution is important to take a step forward in this long journey and we'll take it as a precious gift. Thank you!