by: WomenInternational ODV | data 16/09/2023
There’s plenty of good, sound and well known associations around the world that do their best to give balance to the rights and wrongs of societies, plenty of good proposals and attempts. So why taking a very small one in the heart of Friuli in Italy into consideration ? Not for a special reason, just because it exists and it draws our attention. Its name is WomenInternational , since it was founded by three women and women in difficulty are their focus. Which women, by the way? Indian women of a small place in the south of India, district of Kanyakumari. The situation of the unequal position of women in their society is well known all around the world, and we can’ìt change it. However a small step is on the way to be trodden to give these women a chance of freedom from the lack of self esteem and financial independence. WomenInternational is launching a small project aimed at starting on their spot a business in the field of tailoring . A stylist from Italy , a volunteer of the association, has planned to stay and live with them in order to teach them how to become an enterprise that can give them a steady monthly income. She will teach them how to use the instruments for sewing and cutting and preparing models , how to run a small business and promote their manufactured articles. The “atelier Red Thread” ( filo rosso) whose name comes from the image that a red thread links us to those women, is on the point of starting but it needs our help , since the laboratory will have to be equipped with the necessary tools. That’s why WomenInternational is launching a crowdfunding on idea, a trustworthy web platform that gives space and support to the associations that need financial aid for their good purposes. If you want to join “ atelier Il Filo Rosso” , please donate to WomenInternational on idea . Your name will be on the project and you will be thanked personally, one by one.
WomenInternational è un'associazione di volontariato che si occupa di una comunità del Tamil Nadu, sud India, e ha come interlocutore Padre Maria Susai, della Brotherhood Trust, sacerdote cattolico al servizio di tutte le religioni del luogo. Nell’ambito della cooperazione internazionale scambiamo esperienze e collaborazioni nell’ambito dell'istruzione e della formazione. D'altra parte la Odv è nata in una scuola superiore di Udine, con l'allora preside prof Enrica Mazzuchin, ora Presidente della Odv, Abbiamo promosso scambi culturali e molte nostre volontarie e volontari hanno prestato servizio di insegnamento a Melpalai. Quello che ci muove è il desiderio di sostenere il nostro amico indiano nella cura alla sua gente cui dedica premura e generosità. Quello che ci guadagniamo è misurabile in crescita personale e consapevolezza che la nostra terra non ha confini. Il nostro sguardo è principalmente rivolto a donne e bambini. Li seguiamo con attenzione e promuoviamo la sensibilizzazione a pari opportunità e inclusione.