by: Comitato amici di Max onlus | data 23/02/2022
Massimiliano Tresoldi was born in 1971. On August 15th 1991, due to a serious car crash, went into a coma. Ten years later, one night during the Christmas holiday in year 2000, Max woke up from his deep sleep, he raised his hand to caress his mum.
Today Max is totally conscious but cannot control his body due to the brain damage he suffered.
He communicates by using his right hand with gestures and other simple signs. It hasn't been long since, with a lot of efforts, he has started to say a few words. Max would love to be independent again, talking , eating and moving around by himself .His recovery is a challenge that he fights day by day: 2 hours of physiotherapy with qualified staff, rehabilitation sessions for his cognitive learning and his memory, speech therapy classes, neurorehabilitation examinations.
Naturally all of this has a cost. Since the public health care and state aid are not enough, nearly all the expenses are paid by his family.
His case has been the subject of interest by the national TV, it has also been reported in a book and discussed in several meetings and events across Italy which were about the value of life and the value of the friendship of all the people who have always been near Max and his family during these years.
Max's friends created a Committee with the purpose of organizing initiatives of various kinds, sports and socioculturales (soccer tournaments, discussion meetings, concerts and fund raising dinners) in order to raise awareness of similar cases and raise funds to support Massimiliano and other people in the same situation who are fighting to re-gain their lives.
After some thinking Max's friends Committee together with the Tresoldi family came up with the idea of fundraising for a new car for Max. The actual everyday lifting of Max in and out the car is becoming unbareable for mum and dad's back and his friends.
Now it is time to start, especially since their present car is increasingly showing the effects of time.
The vehicle has been identified: it's a Toyota Proace Verso, equipped with a rotating lift, able to allow comfortable and safe trips for Max. In order to purchase it we need your help.
With a new van Max and his family's lives will dramatically improve and you will have helped Max and his family in achieving this.
Massimiliano, Max per gli amici, da circa 30 anni è costretto su una sedia a rotelle, a seguito di un grave incidente stradale. A lui e alla sua famiglia serve un nuovo mezzo di trasporto , in grado di ospitarlo a bordo in tutta sicurezza. La loro attuale autovettura, infatti, datata e non adeguatamente attrezzata, non è più in grado di garantire i loro bisogni. Noi del Comitato Amici di Max abbiamo quindi deciso di attivare questa raccolta fondi per donare a Max e alla sua famiglia un pulmino attrezzato che gli consenta di fare in sicurezza tutti gli spostamenti necessari alla sua vita, dalle visite e terapie quotidiane alle vacanze coi propri cari. Aiutaci a realizzare questo progetto e a migliorare la vita di Max e dei suoi cari!