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Eventi | Ambiente
Obiettivo sostenibilità: 8 - Lavoro dignitoso e crescita economica 12 - Consumo e produzione responsabili 14 - La vita sott'acqua 17 - Partnership per gli obiettivi
Obiettivo raggiunto!
5.775 raccolti su € 5.500 105 % obiettivo raggiunto 78 sostenitori 01/04/2024 progetto concluso


We are a cultural association, a non-profit organisation engaged in the production of performances at a high artistic level on a national and international level. The themes of the works produced range from topics with a social impact and interest to those purely related to the sphere of human nature. For us, the sea is a magical environment, a source of constant inspiration, essential for human life and extremely delicate and vulnerable. Therefore, we have decided to channel our energy and resources to take a step towards its preservation. We need you to make the positive impact of art on the marine environment a reality. 

Help us realise FLOES - widespread festival for the preservation of the sea!

"We are like islands in the sea, separated on the surface, but connected in the deep" - W. James

STEP 1 - 5.500€  = 3 events totally organised by Indomita, 200 t-shirts, 100 canvas bags.

science + art + concrete gestures = culture and wellbeing for the community

The FLOES format will be based on this simple equation. In particular, with 5.500€ we will be able to create and host 3 cultural events organised by Associazione Indomita, in which we will propose a "talk moment" with real HEROES OF THE SEA who will recount incredible curiosities and provide food for thought on the protection of such a complex and delicate environment. This will be followed by concerts, DJ sets, performances and artistic installations. Indomita will manage the budget for the events, seeking to maximise their effectiveness and favouring environmentally friendly choices. We would like to hold the events in venues that are significant for citizens and, when possible, directly in contact with the marine environment. The first partner to host us will be the Diagonal Loft Club, a historic venue in Forlì that has always been a showcase for cutting-edge cultural, musical, and artistic events.

200 t-shirts and 100 cotton bags.
By financing the production of the first batch of OFFICIAL FLOES SUSTAINABLE GADGETS you will make it possible to sell them to remove 1kg (t-shirt) and 0.5kg (bag) of marine litter through the action of OGYRE, a benefit company specialising in fishing for litter, which is active globally. We designed the T-shirt and shopper as real works of art, illustrated by TASSI (a designer from Forlì) and made by SILTED INDUSTREE (a brand specialising in sustainable clothing). 

Yes, by contributing to the creation of these FLOES-branded objects, you will help us clean up the ocean in Brazil and Indonesia too; countries where the OGYRE fishermen operate in addition to Italy. Your commitment will not only be fundamental for our territory, but will also leave a positive trace in distant continents!

If, also thanks to your precious contribution, we manage to reach the budget necessary to complete STEP 1, we will be able to broaden our horizons, aiming at new exciting goals:

STEP 2 - 8.000€ = 3 events totally organised by Indomita, 350 t-shirts, 150 canvas bags + DOCUFILM!

By reaching the grandiose goal of 8.000 € collected, we could:

  • Increase the production of gadgets to satisfy more supporters!
  • Organise at least 3 cultural events! 
  • Produce a docufilm of the entire project, made by Walter Molfese's Black Aurora Films, a professional nature-loving videomaker. Thanks to your generosity, we could cover the minimum expenses for the filming. Help us make the most beautiful film possible, to tell the younger generations what can be done for our sea!

STEP 3 - 10.000€ x 3 cultural events, 350 t-shirts, 150 canvas bags + DOCUFILM + vinyl LP of Atmo's 'FLOES' music album!

By reaching the super target of 10.000€ collected, we could:

  • Organise at least 3 cultural events
  • Produce the official gadgets of the FLOES project 
  • Produce the docufilm of the entire project
  • Print the 12" vinyl of the musical album "FLOES" produced by the duo Atmo specifically to support the project! With your contribution we will be able to make Atmo's music 'solid', which will be presented at the first FLOES event with a launch concert! We would print a limited edition of 200 copies, the distribution of which would contribute to the future development of FLOES.


The positive impact on the Forlì and Romagna area will be materialized in the artistic, cultural and entrepreneurial synergies that will be created between the various people involved. Also not to be underestimated will be the educational value of some initiatives aimed at young people (clean-up initiatives, creative workshops, interdisciplinary cultural events, etc.).

We believe that the universal language of art can unite and inspire a growing number of people, making them part of a collective action aimed at designing a better future for the next generations.

Conosci il progettista:


Giulio Donati - Associazione Indomita

Indomita è un’associazione culturale che si occupa di sviluppo e promozione di performance di danza contemporanea e arti performative su territorio regionale e nazionale, connettendosi però a importanti realtà internazionali tramite l’esperienza del direttore artistico e dei suoi collaboratori. L’associazione si impegna ad essere un punto di riferimento culturale e artistico per la collettività mediante attività interdisciplinari anche educative e a sfondo sociale, cercando di valorizzare gli spazi urbani e le ricchezze naturalistiche del territorio. Dalla sua recente costituzione, avvenuta il 18 novembre 2022, l'Associazione Indomita ha collaborato con Oriente Occidente, associazione culturale con sede a Rovereto volta alla creazione di ponti culturali tra "l'est e l'ovest, il nord e il sud" cercando un terreno fertile per dialogo e relazioni con il linguaggio universale dell'arte; più recenti le collaborazioni con Marche Teatro ed il festival INTEATRO, realtà impegnate nella diffusione delle arti performative nella provincia di Ancona attraverso collaborazioni di livello internazionale. Per realizzare i propri contenuti audiovisivi quali visuals, trailers, videoclip, illustrazioni, Indomita si è affidata a maestranze forlivesi, quali Walter Molfese, Black Aurora Films, Tassi Disegni ed Atmo Music Productions. Riteniamo che il linguaggio universale dell’arte e la sinergia tra le sue diverse forme, possano unire ed ispirare un numero crescente di persone, rendendole parte di un’azione collettiva volta a disegnare un futuro migliore per le prossime generazioni.

Contatta il progettista: Associazione Indomita




Amico del Mare

Ti abbracceremo con una speciale dedica musicale con la quale potrai rilassarti in riva al mare.

Friend of the Sea
We will embrace you with a special musical homage with which you can relax by the sea!




Bevitore del Mare!

Ti abbracceremo con una speciale dedica musicale con la quale potrai rilassarti in riva al mare. Il Team Floes ti accoglierà all'evento di lancio del 14 aprile presso il Diagonal Loft Club offrendoti una bella birra ghiacciata. La squadra del Diagonal te la preparerà utilizzando il suo sistema di spillature altamente sostenibile che non utilizza CO2 !

Sea drinker!
We will embrace you with a special musical homage with which you can relax by the sea. Team Floes will welcome you at the launch event on the 14th of April at the Diagonal Loft Club with a nice cold beer! The Diagonal team will prepare it for you using its highly sustainable tapping system that uses no CO2.




Protettore del Mare

Ti abbracceremo con una speciale dedica musicale con la quale potrai rilassarti in riva al mare. Ti assicurerai in anteprima la stampa 30x40 dell'illustrazione di TASSI, una di 100 copie numerate e firmate di suo pugno! Come ti consegneremo la stampa? Beh, ovviamente dentro una delle shopper ufficiali del progetto FLOES, che potrai ricevere in anteprima assoluta!

Patron of the sea
We will embrace you with a special musical homage with which you can relax by the sea. You will get a 30x40 print of TASSI's illustration, one of 100 numbered copies signed by him! How will we deliver the print to you? Well, obviously inside one of the official FLOES project shoppers, which you'll receive as an absolute preview!


Disponibilità: 74



Stilosissimo Protettore del Mare!

Ti abbracceremo con una speciale dedica musicale con la quale potrai rilassarti in riva al mare. Ti assicurerai un'edizione limitata della t-shirt FLOES progettata da Silted Industree e illustrata da Tassi, blu come l'oceano con ricamo bianco come il ghiaccio.

Very stylish Patron of the sea!
We'll embrace you with a special musical homage with which you can relax by the sea. You will secure a limited edition FLOES t-shirt designed by Silted Industree and illustrated by Tassi, blue as the ocean with ice-white embroidery.


Disponibilità: 21



Super Mecenate!

Porta FLOES a scuola! Dona il percorso didattico di FLOES ad una classe da te scelta (provincia di Forlì-Cesena, Ravenna e Rimini) o individuata dal nostro team tra le scuole con noi convenzionate. Il percorso consiste in un incontro di 2 ore con una lezione interattiva alla scoperta del mare attraverso l'arte e un laboratorio didattico a seguire. Ti abbracceremo con una dedica musicale con la quale potrai rilassarti in riva al mare.

Super Patron!
Bring FLOES to school! Donate the FLOES didactic path to a class of your choice (province of Forlì-Cesena, Ravenna and Rimini) or identified by our team from among the schools affiliated with us. The course consists of a 1hour meeting with an interactive lesson on discovering the sea through art and an educational workshop to follow. We will embrace you with a musical homage with which you can relax by the sea.


Disponibilità: 7



Rappresenti un'azienda e vuoi sostenere FLOES? Contattaci su e studieremo insieme un percorso dedicato alla tua realtà per contribuire insieme alla salvaguardia del mare!

Do you represent a company and want to support FLOES? Contact us at and we will study together a dedicated path to contribute together to the preservation of the sea!





Così come l'oceano vive grazie ad ogni creatura marina, il progetto FLOES potrà nascere grazie a molti diversi gesti concreti. Scegli da te il tuo contributo, ti siamo grati per il tuo supporto!

Just as the ocean lives thanks to every sea creature, FLOES project will be able to shine thanks to many different kinds of effort. Choose your own contribution, we are grateful for your support!